NCBI RefSeq representative and reference genomes precalculated in PhenDB


PhenDB now contains in the "Browse" section the trait precalculations for the reference genomes and representative genomes in NCBI RefSeq.

The trait prediction results can be filtered by user-specific criteria for minimal prediction confidence and minimal balanced accuracy.

Three figures demonstrate the number of positive and negative predictions for different settings of these parameters:

Fig 1: Positive and negative predictions for reference genomes and representative genomes in NCBI RefSeq at minimal prediction confidence=0.9 and minimal balanced accuracy=0.9

Fig 2: Positive and negative predictions for reference genomes and representative genomes in NCBI RefSeq at minimal prediction confidence=0.75 and minimal balanced accuracy=0.75

Fig 3: Positive and negative predictions for reference genomes and representative genomes in NCBI RefSeq at minimal prediction confidence=0.5 and minimal balanced accuracy=0.5