Model weights by orthologous groups

For each model, the rank and weight of this orthologous group are given. These reflect the predictive weight of this protein family for the different traits. Positive weights indicate that the presence of this orthologous group is indicative for the trait. Negative weights indicate that the absence of this orthologous group is indicative for the trait.

rank in model enog score model name model description
15 0.036269 T6SS Organism expresses a Type VI secretion system (C)
38 0.021531 Asaccharolytic Organism has a Asaccharolytic lifestyle
56 -0.022309 indole Organism is producing indole
96 -0.015447 Fermentative Organism has a Fermentative lifestyle
119 -0.016939 T4SS Organism expresses a Type IV secretion system (C)
169 -0.018158 isobut Organism is producing isobutyric_acid
294 0.015658 succ Organism is producing succinic_acid
447 -0.012346 phototrophy
476 0.017368 lac_L Organism is producing L_lactic_acid
505 -0.013886 Saccharolytic Organism has a Saccharolytic lifestyle
532 0.011068 sporulation Organism is capable of producing endospores for persistence (T)
557 -0.005216 AOB Organism is part of the clade of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (E)
755 0.015675 gram_stain Cells of organism stain Gram-positive (+) or Gram-negative (-) (T)
1221 -0.011272 ac Organism is producing acetic_acid
1246 -0.003007 HALO Organism has a halophilic lifestyle (C)
1335 0.008705 lac_D Organism is producing D_lactic_acid
1798 -0.010936 for Organism is producing formic_acid
5154 0.002461 Aerobe Organism is capable of aerobic respiration (T)