Model weights by orthologous groups

For each model, the rank and weight of this orthologous group are given. These reflect the predictive weight of this protein family for the different traits. Positive weights indicate that the presence of this orthologous group is indicative for the trait. Negative weights indicate that the absence of this orthologous group is indicative for the trait.

rank in model enog score model name model description
2 -0.023396 Fermentative Organism has a Fermentative lifestyle
15 -0.032273 ac Organism is producing acetic_acid
16 0.012562 NOB Organism is part of the clade of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (E)
26 -0.016797 HALO Organism has a halophilic lifestyle (C)
110 -0.024574 h2 Organism is producing hydrogen
134 0.012057 Aerobe Organism is capable of aerobic respiration (T)
152 -0.018532 succ Organism is producing succinic_acid
158 -0.027866 for Organism is producing formic_acid
189 -0.017822 isobut Organism is producing isobutyric_acid
209 0.005953 ARCHAEA Organism is an archaeon (C)
228 -0.018266 nif Organism is capable of fixing N2 (E)
473 0.009420 AUTO Organism is capable of growth with CO2 as sole carbon source (C)
567 0.011465 Asaccharolytic Organism has a Asaccharolytic lifestyle
747 0.004355 AOB Organism is part of the clade of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (E)
757 -0.011702 indole Organism is producing indole
793 -0.004615 SYMBIONT Organism has an obligate intracellular lifestyle (C)
929 -0.008470 T6SS Organism expresses a Type VI secretion system (C)
948 0.005244 glc_D Organism is utilizing D_glucose
991 -0.006083 isoval Organism is producing isovaleric_acid
1058 0.008572 phototrophy
1901 -0.004590 Saccharolytic Organism has a Saccharolytic lifestyle
2200 0.006289 sporulation Organism is capable of producing endospores for persistence (T)
2520 -0.007087 motility Organism is capable of self-propelled motion (T)