Model weights by orthologous groups

For each model, the rank and weight of this orthologous group are given. These reflect the predictive weight of this protein family for the different traits. Positive weights indicate that the presence of this orthologous group is indicative for the trait. Negative weights indicate that the absence of this orthologous group is indicative for the trait.

rank in model enog score model name model description
140 0.026376 gram_stain Cells of organism stain Gram-positive (+) or Gram-negative (-) (T)
374 0.012248 THERM_OR_TOLERANT Organism has a thermophilic lifestyle or is thermotolerant (C)
502 -0.009360 glc_D Organism is utilizing D_glucose
575 0.009276 THERM Organism has a thermophilic lifestyle (C)
587 -0.004808 btoh Organism is producing 1_butanol
813 -0.002169 ARCHAEA Organism is an archaeon (C)
889 -0.004222 SYMBIONT Organism has an obligate intracellular lifestyle (C)
1523 0.011468 lac_L Organism is producing L_lactic_acid
5880 0.002309 Aerobe Organism is capable of aerobic respiration (T)